Glenwood High School



Supporting Wellbeing       

Our Minds Matter

The emotional wellbeing of our young people matters. It’s normal for young people to face emotional challenges growing up, and their mental health is as important as their general physical health and wellbeing.  There are some helpful ideas, websites and further information on how young people, and parents and carers can support positive emotional wellbeing on our website, with signposting to local and national services if needed.  Please go to to find out more.


7th February 2025

Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Supports & Services for Children & Young People



Things to try is a collection of resources to help support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing, put together by Fife CAMHS. Some are aimed at children and young people, some are more for parents and carers, and some are designed for professionals who work with children and young people. Have a look, try some out, and see if there’s something that helps you. 

Fife’s Educational Psychology Service (EPS)

Fife’s Educational Psychology Service (EPS) provide assessment, consultation and advice to schools and parents about children’s wellbeing, learning and behaviour. Click here for more details.

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

You may find these leaflets from the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families useful when talking about mental health with your child.

You're never too young to talk mental health

Talking mental health with young people in secondary school

Solihull Approach Parenting Courses

Solihull Approach Parenting Courses is free for all to access online. The Solihull Approach aims to improve emotional health and wellbeing by supporting relationships and helping us to understand young people’s behaviours in a non-judgemental way - developing the most appropriate responses.

You can access the course at:

Type in the code TARTAN.

Wellbeing Programme for Pupils

Safegaurding and Child Protection throughout the holidays

Healthzone presentation for Parent Council